We are again back to a family of four... WORST week of our lives.. But mom added some humor :)
This story is just so I can remember if this happens again.. don't read if you get grossed out easily!
Baby #4 you wont be forgotten!
Pregnancy #4 ended somewhere between December 1st and 2nd at just over 13 weeks. My Miscarriage at 13 weeks was very different than the one at 6.5 weeks! The week we lost the baby we were in the doctors office tues, wed, thurs and hospital fri and sunday. It was a long, emotional, confusing week for all four of us. The kids were passed around like crazy and I know they could tell something was going on. Our unborn baby was fine in the ultrasounds done all week until Sunday...on fri our baby was perfect with a heart rate of 168...the doctors had/have no clue why we lost the baby. We even have a pic of our beautiful baby from the day before it was gone!

Anyways, fri, sat, and sunday i contracted for an average of nine hours a night...like intense labor and there was nothing we could do for the pain because the baby was still doing so good! I passed one large clot fri that sent us into the hospital but we were sent home after they cleaned out the other clots and did two ultra sounds... we were also told by our ultrasound tech that she was 90% sure it was a girl!!! lame. fyi though, i would have been just as sad if she said she was 90% it was a boy :) sat and sunday i was supposed to take it very easy and be on complete pelvic rest (no lifting over 5 lbs.. with a 17 month old that is real tough) ...well it all happened again sat night but 100 times worse....six giant clots and 12 hours of contracting (mostly on the bathroom floor). I was too prideful to go in AGAIN so i delt with it and finally went to bed at 430am....sunday night the same thing but i couldnt imagine staying home through the pain again so first clot i headed back to the hospitsl (oh and so did the rest of moses lake...i wanted to punch every person in the face that was a head of me in line for an ear infection...just telling the truth).
WARNING..the rest of the story is a little nasty!!!
i put a new pad in right before heading to the hospital and within 30 minutes i could feel myself just bleeding all over the place.. i knew things were gettin ugly in the waiting room. I had to ask the front desk for a new pad and went to the bathroom. By the time I had passed a clot the size of my hand (maybe bigger) and filled the entire toilet with blood there was blood on the floor, toilet seat, my pants... it was outta control. They got me back as soon as possible and my heart rate was low... blood pressure high... i was hemorraging. So they did a pelvic exam and tried to get the bleeding under control before doing the ultrasounds..Finally we were wheeled into the ultrasound room (the doc prepped us that he suspected things had changed) and the baby was gone. We bawled when we saw that screen with no baby... we had seen our baby 4 times in the previous 5 days and every time it was perfect! I think that was the hardest part for both us... we saw it rub its eyes already.. it was having karate practice another day... our baby looked and seemed so normal! So no one knows if the baby had something wrong with it or if I have something wrong with me!
Side note.. I had NINE pelvic exams that week! NINE!! And don't ever let someone tell you that a small catheter only pinches... but Morphine is bomb after you feel like your head is going to explode and legs stop shaking.
We will continue to try to expand our family but until then we will hug our babies a little tighter and be sooo grateful for the two great blessings we already have on this earth! Parx and Bridger make me smile everyday! Ty and I are both doing surprising well... i joke that i have no heart and am totally insensitive but i know that there was nothing more we could have done and that it is just part of our families trials in this life. Ty and I feel much closer than we were before and the crazy thing is I didn't think we could get any closer! Our marriage has always been wonderful but right now I feel more loved by him than I ever have in our 5.5 years of marriage! He is so awesome and we have had many conversations about how it so much easier going through trials with someone you love... i couldn't imagine life without that man!
Our ward and friends in Moses Lake were absolutely AMAZING.. I cannot express my gratitude for such wonderful friends during such a hard week. They jumped at every opportunity they had to serve!
Now for some humor.. seriously I think I have the worst luck ever! Or my mom does... or we both do! My mom showed up monday night to help with the kids and dinner and everything else a mom would help out with... Tuesday morning we got up and took Parx to hoopster tots and were home at 11:15. Mom decided she would play soccer in the front yard with the kids while i went inside to lay down. A few minutes later Parx came in and said, "grandma fell and hit her head.. my ball is stuck under the car and i need a sword." So he grabbed a sword and ran out and i thought nothing of it... a few minutes later he ran in and said, "grandma hit her head i need the broom.. my ball is stuck." and he ran out with the broom. If you could only have heard his tone... seriously i thought nothing of this. Mom managed to get herself to the back door... she hurried and locked the kids in the backyard and knocked on the door. I thought it was Bridger knocking so it took me awhile to get to the door haha.. Bridge is always knocking on doors! I got to the door and mom looked like she had been hit by a bus so she came in and laid down.. she said she'd prob be fine and just needed to lay down. Well, Ty came home and saw her and she was tellin him about the pain so he decided they should just go in.... SHE BROKE HER ELBOW AND THREE RIBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me a dang break... now who is supposed to help us???? Luckily, friends came to the rescue again and my dad was here Wednesday night for the rest of the week and weekend!!!
Can anyone even believe this story??? I mean seriously what are the odds??? It seriously did make for some good humor to everyone but mom.