We spent Christmas this year in Boise with our family... the kids had so much fun playing with their cousins! Ty got over a week off of work so we were able to spend lots and lots of time at home... we stayed fri to wed at Ty's parents house and then went over to my parents from wed afternoon till the next Tuesday! It was so much fun spending time with everyone but I think having Ty around for 12 days was the ultimate Christmas present. We are getting excited to start spending some Holidays at home as hiding presents in the car just to bring them back home isn't on the top of our list anymore ;) Who knows... we are easily persuaded sometimes haha but are gonna try and hold firm :). We love making memories and are happy we got to see so many of our family members over the holiday's this year!
I LOVE CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS and cannot wait till my kids understand more and more each year! We had so much fun getting a christmas tree (i didn't get to go cuz of the miscarriage.. but i got to help decorate a little!), decorating the house, watching christmas movies, writing our christmas lists, making cookies, delivering goodies to people, looking at christmas lights, making paper plate snowmen and reindeer(and other fun crafts), sitting on santa's lap, building a REAL snowman, and most importantly teaching our children the christmas story and the true meaning behind all the lights and gifts!
our lovely tree!
This boy didn't get any coal in his stocking... and Santa brought almost everything he asked for!
Santa came to our house to deliver some chocolates.. it was such a nice surprise and the Parx LOVED IT!!!! He thought he was the coolest kid on the block :)
Bridger was scared of poor santa but warmed up to him a little by the time he left...
They watched as he magically pulled out of our driveway in his car haha
At grandma and papa johnston's house... the little kid crew! Best pic i could get!

Bridger loved showing off his "sweet" tricks! Don't be jealous if your 18 month olds can't do this... jk jk jk!!
making the traditional and family favorite CHRISTMAS CUTOUT COOKIES!!
Opening their chrismas-eve jammies!!!
such cuuute boys!
these two kiddos are AWESOME!!!!! check them out!
Bridger is all about saying... "C-H-E-E-S-E"
Christmas morning... Ty told all the kids the christmas story before they got to open any presents and see what Santa brought! (a little family tradition of mine)
Santa's presentation!!!!
Parx with his eyes closed waiting for everyone to get into the family room!
woohooo his transformer!
All this kid needed is his sucker!!
The movie bed things that santa made were a big hit!!!!
Brendan got a bike from santa... ty transformed Parx's old pink and purple into a green/black boys bike! Parx seriously has no idea it's hilarious! We went riding and he told us he thought his bike was too big! crazy kid!
look at his muscle man?!??
cutest/softest blanky ever from grandma and papa johnston! Can't wait till he'll let me put all his baby blankets away and use this one!
He kept disappearing all morning into his coupe car.. santa knew he'd like it!
We headed to grandma and papa nield's after nap for christmas dinner and presents...
Bridge got a dog as big as Kayla!!
We were so close to having a white christmas.. it snowed like 10 hours too late!! but we got to play in it the day after and build this snowman!
The boys drinkin their hot cocoa.. i thought this was such a precious moment!
We did some mega sledding with the cambos and tyler and ky... took an hour to get there but we did it!!
Bridge looks like he hates life but no joke he loved sledding!
awww ya.. i love each and every one of these boys!
Bridge about to take out Parx
Tego and P man!
And I had to post this one cuz of her sweet snowsuit and to announce that my baby sister got engaged the sunday before christmas.... wedding date to be announced! CONGRATS MRS OKAMURA!
Those were just a few of the fun things that went down in Boise this trip!!! LOTS and LOTS of game nights till the wee hours of the night.. totally worth being exhausted every single day! Redneck life was a big hit at ben and kathy's... everyone should play that game in their lifetime at least once!!!! haha i'm laughing just thinking about it! WE MISS YOU FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!