Parx's little brother, Bridger Ty Johnston, was born June 26, 2011 at 12:13 am. Another LOOONNGGG labor for mom. Why do the doctors tell you that the second one will go sooo much faster than the first? I guess because for the average joe it does!!! NOT ME, it only gets my hopes up... it took me 18 hours to get from a 5 to a 10.. what is wrong with me???? My body blows when it comes to laboring but oh well a healthy baby boy was born and has already brought so much joy into our family. I wish i could say that Parx loved his brother and always wants to hold and kiss him, but that's just not the case with him haha. He ignores him and randomly wants to kiss him or hold him, but usually if he is interested in him at all its because he wants to jump over him, throw a blanket over his head or run a car down his face... its been quite the experience so far!! One day i'm sure they will be best friends but we'll have to wait awhile for that :) I love my cute cute sons!
These first 3 pics are of Bridger at 4 months...

These next pics are of Bridger right after he was born..
only pic i could find of the last few hours of having a big ol' belly...
6 lbs 4 oz... 20 inches long! Two weeks early exactly!
Daddy changing the first diaper
First time Parx got to meet his new bro...
Family of four!!!!!!!!!!! Parx face just cracks me up.. i had to choose this one!
PROUD PROUD PROUD mommy and daddy!
Papa Sid :) I just think Bridge looks so sweet right here!

blessing day... Papa and Grandma Johnston :)

one week old... 4th of july!
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