Baby Preston is here and we couldn't be happier! 3/38/16.. 9:05 pm.. 19.5 inches.. 8.1 lbs
Look no farther if you aren't ready to waste a couple hours of your life on my pregnancy/labor/and birth... I'm going to over post big time :).
Pic a couple days before I had you little man...
The day before (happened to be Easter) aren't those boys just handsome as can be??
Here goes... My midwife and I had a perfect plan since I wanted a natural birth this go round. UNTIL my strep B test came back positive. That through a curve ball that I should have been prepared for since I am always positive. She said I could still labor at home until about 6 cm dilated and then we would head to the hospital unless my water broke in which case i'd have to go in immediately.
The week before I had him I thought i was going into labor TWICE because of contractions ALL NIGHT LONG. I was also dilated to a 4 and almost all the way effaced. 38 weeks on was brutal this go round. I was so tired.... Mom came the Thursday before Easter which was SOOOO nice because i was exhausted! It also meant i had the help i needed here for when i actually did go into labor.
Just my luck...Monday morning at about 8am (39 weeks exactly) I woke up, rolled over, baby did a ninja move and I felt a little gush. I was 99 % sure my water broke, although, peeing wouldn't have been too far of a stretch either. I got up and took a shower, called Ty at work and told him I'd call him back once i was 100% sure, text Nicole my midwife/friend/neighbor, text Britney my duola/friend and got ready. I was so pumped to look half decent in pictures when my baby arrived for once :). Nicole told me to go in as soon as possible...
I waited for Ty to get out of a meeting and we headed to the hospital at about 10:30 am. When i got there i was a 5 and still not in labor. Nicole gave me until 2 pm to get going on my own or else she'd have to give me pitocin since my water broke and there's a bit of a time crunch with Strep B. Ty, Brit and I walked and walked and walked down the same hall and ate lunch at the cafeteria. By 2 i was having contractions but not in any pain but it was good enough for her! We went back to the hall and walked and walked some more... we actually had a lot of fun just hanging out there all day :). Ty and Brit were amazing at helping me with painful contractions, making me drink water, giving me chap stick, and making me laugh. I told Nicole I'd text her as soon as i wanted her to come to the hospital... at about 4 my contractions were getting kinda painful but nothing to bad. By six things were really picking up and Ty secretly text her and told her to be at the hospital at about 7. At 7 I was ready to go to my room because it was pretty intense. As soon as we got in my room and i climbed on the bed I told Ty to get Nicole to the hospital... as soon as those words came out of my mouth IN WALKED NICOLE! It was pretty awesome :). Glad the hubs was paying attention to my pain level and knew it was almost go time. She suggested i sit on the ball in the shower... and for the next 2 hours ty held hot water on my stomach and nicole massaged my back. Tys feet were prunes by the time we were done (he still had his socks and shoes on). I started to get the shakes and freak out for prob a minute and then soon after I felt like i couldn't move because the contractions were so painful... i thought i might be stuck on that ball forever. Nicole and Brit suggested i get up because they knew it was time for me to push... i did my best to get myself to the bed! Once i got there I wanted to be checked so bad to know if i needed to push. Nicole is one that believes in trusting your body and doesn't check but she almost checked me once! I said something frustrating i think... oopsies and she threw her gloves away haha. I was like falling off the bed and couldn't move over when i decided to start pushing. At this time i was pretty positive i was either going to pass out or just die. No way was i going to survive this... I could feel him stuck! After what seemed like forever he did a little gig and 2 more pushes and he was out at 9:05 pm!!! OUCH!!!!! Ring of fire is a nice way to put it. I really only pushed for about 10 minutes but it seemed like at least a half an hour to me. I got the shakes again after I had him and then a crazy adrenaline rush and I didn't sleep at all that night!
I am so happy that I was able to do it! It has been something that I have thought about for a long time and really wanted. Our bodies really are amazing and the sweet little babies that come from all that pain are totally worth it!
Some fun (some not so fun) memories of the labor :)
This is the best labor position ever..poor ty he had to squeeze my hips SO hard
This is the 2nd best labor position... :)

Right after he was born.. can't you tell??? So much for my cute after baby pics.
Ty cutting the cord...
We were/are some super proud parents... he was adorable from the second he was born!
Nicole, me and preston..
Babies first bath...
Just a couple hours old..
Gma...1 day old
heading home...woooot woooot
brothers had to wait to meet their new little bro because no one under 12 was allowed to visit the hospital... so much sickness going around. They were sooo excited!!!
Bridge was at a friends house so we walked over there so he could meet him!
First bath at home...2 weeks old
My baby has hair!!!!!
Some Cranston kids...
Goodbye grandma and papa!! Preston almost 2 weeks old... sad sad day! She was so much help. I had to wake up before 10am once she left!
MY BOYS...all of them together!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
Today little man is 4 weeks old and the happiest baby ever! He is a dream :).
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