When we weren't camping, at the lake house, in Boise or any of our other trips we were partying it up in Moses Lake. These kids keep me on the go... we LOVE our summers.
We spent time at the water park, lybberts pond, all the parks around town, had water balloon fights, played outside with the neighbors, birthday celebrations (mine and bridgers), sports camps, co-ed softball twice a week, swam in friend's pools, canned some food, rode bikes/scooters and much much more.
Parx 7, Bridger 5, Max 2.5, Preston 4-6 months.
This tornado is constantly making messes of himself or everyone/everything else!
But he's also becoming such a big boy... he wants to be potty trained so badly and now that we are finally home I might tackle it soon...maybe.
Parx made this cute little game on my birthday so I would have to eat a warhead :). He thought he was sooooo funny. Ty made me a cake from my favorite Burger King pies!

Boise trip... My parents neighborhood pool is always so fun.
Monte Lake park...
This kid thinks mom and dads bed is actually his bed now... oh child GET OUT!
Preston would somehow scoot himself into places when he was about 3.5-4 months old! He couldn't roll so i still don't know how he would get around. And this pretty much sums up Bridger...hands in his pants with backwards pants on.
And this right here sums up Parx and Max. Parx is ALWAYS biting his fingers/fingernails and they are super red and inflammed all the time. It's super cool. And well Max is CRAZY!
Max is a wee bit dramatic in his old age of 2.
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