Monday, July 2, 2012

Parx bike riding!!

Mr. Parx is such a little stud... he learned how to ride a 2 wheeler last month!!! It took a couple days but now he is a are some short videos of the learning experience!  
We had a lot of these falls...

And then we met our good luck charm... some random guy walking down the street! After Parx showed this guy how he can ride a bike it was smooth sailing...

Now I need to get a video of him riding all over the place... I forgot they are all on my phone! And since my phone is ghetto I can't get them on here!
And... this is what Bridger did while we taught him how to ride a bike... sat in a stroller getting pushed up and down the street!!
Now Parx can make it all the way to the park and back with no troubles... well except he has to fall over to stop still haha but it's a soft landing (usually)!

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