Sunday, October 26, 2014

Max 8-9 Months

My cutie patootie.
 Max at 8-9 months...
height: 27.5" (19%)
weight: 18.5 lbs (27%)
head: 45.7 cm (72%)
2 teeth
still doesn't sleep through the night...
had his first ear infection
eats more real people food and decided he only likes sweet potato baby food for the veggies.. thank goodness for the mixed combos these days. He loves some banana/carrot/mango and all the other crazy kinds as long as there is some fruit mixed in.
wont take a bottle/sippy
loves his family and isn't too stranger dangery
super smiley yet super cranky (its strange)
wont let me put him down
Loves the bath
Coos and says DADADADA and MAMAMAMA
can wave if you catch him at the perfect moment
ANNND... the day he turned 9 months he started to crawl!! Since that day he has been SOOO much happier and will actually play on the floor! HOORAY

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